Learn 8 ways to treat gas and bulges in the stomach and colon through natural herbs at home. and learn why bulges and permanent gases in the abdomen in adults and children
Causes of bulges and gases
-Smoking causes constant bloating
-Obesity and abdominal fat accumulation.
-Eating large amounts of food in one meal.
-Eat quickly
.-IBS cases.
Treat abdominal gas bags with herbs
1. drink tea and Mint
Mint of strong herbs that address alanftkhat quickly and is suitable for adults and children and pregnant women are also suffering with the gasses "because it contains the compound menthol-menthol that has antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle in the digestive track.
A very easy way either boil only or with mint tea
Replenish your body to know benefits of mint value here
2. ginger treatment of empyema
Ginger unlike great benefits in treating constipation, nausea and indigestion, also has a powerful effect in reducing gases in the colon because it contains chemical substances such as gingerols and shgaols that help relax the intestinal path and reduce any inflammation, ginger root is carminative, preventing excess gas formation, and helps her.
Learn the top 10 benefits of ginger
3. cumin
Cumin has been used for centuries in the treatment of gases, bulges especially in children but can also be used by adults and pregnant
To expel gases from the stomach
4. activated charcoal to treat bags and wind
Taking pills of activated charcoal to treat flatulence. Studies have shown that activated charcoal tablets can be good and be the best medicine to treat flatulence.
5. chew food well
The gases produced from food is difficult to digest and consume more time to digest the food well chewed you can negate the fundamental cause in the composition of gases
6. drink warm water and lemon
A glass of warm water and lemon every morning keeps the doctor away.
7. eat some seeds of anise
Anise has anti-cancer properties and helps to relax the digestive track, and is also a repellent to wind in the abdomen.
8. take 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider vinegar every night before bed, snip away toxins in the body and help get rid of the gases.
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